Frequently Asked Questions

  • How is Franklin News Foundation funded?
    Franklin News Foundation has a diverse base of donors that includes contributions from private citizens and foundations with a passion for non-partisan, non-political state-based coverage of taxation and government’s spending of tax dollars. The Franklin News Foundation does not accept advertising dollars. However, The Center Square, our public-facing journalism platform, accepts advertising. For rates or information about how businesses or causes can advertise with The Center Square, please click here.
  • What is non-profit journalism?
    Non-profit journalism is driven by the mission, vision and values of its organization. It is not motivated by commercial success or beholden to advertisers or ownership. It is non-partisan and non-political. It is truly independent, and free to focus on specific areas of the public’s interest. Franklin News Foundation’s non-profit status sets us apart from commercial, mainstream media that traditionally has attempted to provide broad-scope content across a spectrum of public and private interests. The work that we support and fund can be found at
  • Does the Franklin News Foundation's The Center Square follow a journalism code of ethics?
    Our code of ethics was created by the leadership that oversees Franklin News Foundation and publishes The Center Square. Born from the tenets of professional and ethical journalism, our ethics code can be found here.
  • How does The Center Square choose the stories it pursues?
    Editors and reporters who work for The Center Square plan the news through the same professional processes and protocols employed at traditional media companies. Stories are planned on a daily, weekly and longer-term basis, and scheduled as part of a news budget that is updated and improved throughout the news cycle. Our publishing focus is Monday through Friday throughout the year, but our dedicated staff of editors and reporters stand ready around the clock, seven days a week, to provide important stories that are in the public interest.
  • Are The Center Square's stories picked up by other news outlets?
    Yes. News outlets with an interest in improving or augmenting their coverage of statehouse and statewide news utilize the content we publish at as a free, syndicated news service. All of our work is published online at, but readers also will see stories from our team published in local newspapers and in media websites across the country.
  • Do other news sites need permission to crosspost The Center Square articles?
    No. The Center Square content can be published and shared without permission and without cost to news publishers. However, we ask for proper citation both in print and online. Republication of images published at must adhere to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. Read more here.
  • How can I submit a news tip?
    Our news reporting is for the public’s benefit. We accept story ideas and news tips. Submit story ideas or confidential tips here.
  • How can I schedule an interview with Franklin News Foundation staff?
    If you are a media outlet writing a story about the Franklin News Foundation, please direct your questions and interview requests to
  • How can I make a donation to support Franklin News Foundation’s journalism?

    Your generous donation to the Franklin News Foundation can be made online here or call our office for assistance at 847-497-5230. Your donation is tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law under Internal Revenue Service Code Section 501(c)(3).


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